Posts Cache a public Docker image in a GitHub Action eslint changed TypeScript files only Splitting a text file into multiple separate files by section with csplit Python "raises in exception group" context manager for tests Creating AWS Organizational Units and Accounts for Prod and Dev in CloudFormation Reduce pragma no cover comments with exclude_also Github Action to post a Telegram notification with no dependencies Python Coverage boolean compound condition line exit missing branch coverage Python recursive override path function and mixin class Github Action job to post pytest coverage as PR comment Github Action for PR comment with command output on exit status Github Action to remove previous job PR comments Capturing multiline output and exit status in a Github Action with bash Github Action to get the current job URL Ensure Python async generator and context manager closes with contextlib.aclosing Python asyncio ensure event loop utility function Minify JSON clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python JSON encode clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python AWS SAM CloudFormation SSM Parameter secure string not supported workaround AWS Lambda Python SAM build with container and CodeArtifact poetry auth Converting PDF slides to PNG then CSV to bulk import into Anki Unit testing a Python AWS Lambda handler function that uses asyncio with its own event loop Python AWS boto moto SNS Invalid Parameter Exception: 'not enough values to unpack (expected 6, got 1)' Pytest fixture with optional parameter change inside test case Python assert_dict_matches recursive test helper function Hugo asset pipeline security.exec.allow error Export, clipboard copy and echo a token Bash one-liner Hugo new post Bash function AWS DocumentDB data source in JetBrains DataGrip Simple example of a floating point precision error for monetary amounts Python iterator chunk generator function Explicit types are a better habit than type inference Google Cloud Platform Logging Query Syntax Exploration Fu My Jest mock cheatsheet for TypeScript Udemy Course Progress JS Bookmarklet Sweeping complexity under the infrastructure carpet MySQL timestamp columns default to ON UPDATE CURRENT TIMESTAMP Static site full text search with Hugo, S3, Python and JS Selecting the best available social meta data image in Hugo Connecting to an old modp1024 L2TP Ipsec VPN on Ubuntu 21.04 Beware of SQL averages over dates with empty days Generating a range of dates in MySQL Simple Boto3 mock in Python with Pytest monkeypatch ESLint custom rules are useful Jest mock error "ReferenceError Cannot access before initialization" Ask your interview candidates to ask you an algorithm question in return Uploading Etsy listing images in PHP with Oauth Refactoring Terraform state into separate files in GCP GCS Easy encrypted git with gcrypt Raw HTML shortcode in Hugo How I get more benefit from technical reading with Anki Pivot joining 19 million lines of CSV with unix tools Simplicity resistance Productivity with random numbers Does your code read like your conversations? Deploying a Hugo site with Github Actions, S3, Cloudfront and AWS IAM A lack of correlation does imply a lack of causation Engineer pain vs user pain Crystal ball development Problem maximisation Python script to automate static Hugo site post images Easy social media images and markup with Hugo Abstraction castles Using Laravel signed routes to improve order confirmation security Specify city timezones, not timezone offsets A simple, readable, meaningful test style with Jest Fastmail is a nice multi-domain custom email service Random element choice in a Hugo HTML template (Cross-post) End to end serverless testing with the Driver Pattern Choosing dates and times in tests Do software engineers have the same "fee justification" problem as investment managers? Decision fatigue and job interviewing SQL Puzzle 2: Absentees You are not doing Test Driven Development SQL Puzzle 1: Fiscal Year Tables Rendering HTML email version of articles with Hugo Setting up a Mailcoach app on AWS with Laravel Forge Better alive than right Eating the recipe Personal bike shedding Write code that is easy to delete Generating business name ideas with Bash and Linux Some easy ways to improve dev workflows Simple way to use ts-firebase-driver-testing with a Jest mock Extract interfaces, don't pre-plan them The code should be a sequence diagram too Python script to convert an Etsy sales export CSV into a Xero import CSV Be careful with Node file globbing vs bash globbing Setting up a Hugo static site inside Laravel on Forge Easy typed test mocks with Jest and TypeScript Linking to the previous and next page in a taxonomy term in Hugo Flexible test model factories in TypeScript Make a deep object delta diff in TypeScript Enumerating all object paths in TypeScript Can you have multiple instances of your application in a single process? Deepin Screenshot is a nice screenshot tool for Ubuntu Linux Showing other pages with the same taxonomy term in Hugo Generating perspective-skewed mock-up images for printed products with Python Easier interface segregation in TypeScript (even better than Go!) The attacker really does know the system when someone leaves your company «« « 1 2 3 » »»
Cache a public Docker image in a GitHub Action eslint changed TypeScript files only Splitting a text file into multiple separate files by section with csplit Python "raises in exception group" context manager for tests Creating AWS Organizational Units and Accounts for Prod and Dev in CloudFormation Reduce pragma no cover comments with exclude_also Github Action to post a Telegram notification with no dependencies Python Coverage boolean compound condition line exit missing branch coverage Python recursive override path function and mixin class Github Action job to post pytest coverage as PR comment Github Action for PR comment with command output on exit status Github Action to remove previous job PR comments Capturing multiline output and exit status in a Github Action with bash Github Action to get the current job URL Ensure Python async generator and context manager closes with contextlib.aclosing Python asyncio ensure event loop utility function Minify JSON clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python JSON encode clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python AWS SAM CloudFormation SSM Parameter secure string not supported workaround AWS Lambda Python SAM build with container and CodeArtifact poetry auth Converting PDF slides to PNG then CSV to bulk import into Anki Unit testing a Python AWS Lambda handler function that uses asyncio with its own event loop Python AWS boto moto SNS Invalid Parameter Exception: 'not enough values to unpack (expected 6, got 1)' Pytest fixture with optional parameter change inside test case Python assert_dict_matches recursive test helper function Hugo asset pipeline security.exec.allow error Export, clipboard copy and echo a token Bash one-liner Hugo new post Bash function AWS DocumentDB data source in JetBrains DataGrip Simple example of a floating point precision error for monetary amounts Python iterator chunk generator function Explicit types are a better habit than type inference Google Cloud Platform Logging Query Syntax Exploration Fu My Jest mock cheatsheet for TypeScript Udemy Course Progress JS Bookmarklet Sweeping complexity under the infrastructure carpet MySQL timestamp columns default to ON UPDATE CURRENT TIMESTAMP Static site full text search with Hugo, S3, Python and JS Selecting the best available social meta data image in Hugo Connecting to an old modp1024 L2TP Ipsec VPN on Ubuntu 21.04 Beware of SQL averages over dates with empty days Generating a range of dates in MySQL Simple Boto3 mock in Python with Pytest monkeypatch ESLint custom rules are useful Jest mock error "ReferenceError Cannot access before initialization" Ask your interview candidates to ask you an algorithm question in return Uploading Etsy listing images in PHP with Oauth Refactoring Terraform state into separate files in GCP GCS Easy encrypted git with gcrypt Raw HTML shortcode in Hugo How I get more benefit from technical reading with Anki Pivot joining 19 million lines of CSV with unix tools Simplicity resistance Productivity with random numbers Does your code read like your conversations? Deploying a Hugo site with Github Actions, S3, Cloudfront and AWS IAM A lack of correlation does imply a lack of causation Engineer pain vs user pain Crystal ball development Problem maximisation Python script to automate static Hugo site post images Easy social media images and markup with Hugo Abstraction castles Using Laravel signed routes to improve order confirmation security Specify city timezones, not timezone offsets A simple, readable, meaningful test style with Jest Fastmail is a nice multi-domain custom email service Random element choice in a Hugo HTML template (Cross-post) End to end serverless testing with the Driver Pattern Choosing dates and times in tests Do software engineers have the same "fee justification" problem as investment managers? Decision fatigue and job interviewing SQL Puzzle 2: Absentees You are not doing Test Driven Development SQL Puzzle 1: Fiscal Year Tables Rendering HTML email version of articles with Hugo Setting up a Mailcoach app on AWS with Laravel Forge Better alive than right Eating the recipe Personal bike shedding Write code that is easy to delete Generating business name ideas with Bash and Linux Some easy ways to improve dev workflows Simple way to use ts-firebase-driver-testing with a Jest mock Extract interfaces, don't pre-plan them The code should be a sequence diagram too Python script to convert an Etsy sales export CSV into a Xero import CSV Be careful with Node file globbing vs bash globbing Setting up a Hugo static site inside Laravel on Forge Easy typed test mocks with Jest and TypeScript Linking to the previous and next page in a taxonomy term in Hugo Flexible test model factories in TypeScript Make a deep object delta diff in TypeScript Enumerating all object paths in TypeScript Can you have multiple instances of your application in a single process? Deepin Screenshot is a nice screenshot tool for Ubuntu Linux Showing other pages with the same taxonomy term in Hugo Generating perspective-skewed mock-up images for printed products with Python Easier interface segregation in TypeScript (even better than Go!) The attacker really does know the system when someone leaves your company «« « 1 2 3 » »»