Tech: Python
Things I've worked on with Python
Posts I've written mentioning Python
- Python "raises in exception group" context manager for tests
- Reduce pragma no cover comments with exclude_also
- Python Coverage boolean compound condition line exit missing branch coverage
- Python recursive override path function and mixin class
- Github Action job to post pytest coverage as PR comment
- Ensure Python async generator and context manager closes with contextlib.aclosing
- Python asyncio ensure event loop utility function
- Minify JSON clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python
- JSON encode clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python
- AWS Lambda Python SAM build with container and CodeArtifact poetry auth
- Unit testing a Python AWS Lambda handler function that uses asyncio with its own event loop
- Python AWS boto moto SNS Invalid Parameter Exception: 'not enough values to unpack (expected 6, got 1)'
- Pytest fixture with optional parameter change inside test case
- Python assert_dict_matches recursive test helper function
- Python iterator chunk generator function
- Static site full text search with Hugo, S3, Python and JS
- Simple Boto3 mock in Python with Pytest monkeypatch
- Productivity with random numbers
- Python script to automate static Hugo site post images
- Python script to convert an Etsy sales export CSV into a Xero import CSV
- Generating perspective-skewed mock-up images for printed products with Python
- Pretty print JSON on the command line with Python
- Generate a UUID on the command line with Python
- Python random string one-liner for CLI
- Python National Insurance Number (NINo) one-line generator
- Finding the max branch sum of a sequentially represented binary tree in Python
- Spoonerism generator Python script
- A quick Python script to help me translate classical Chinese poetry
- Python asyncio concurrent map pool function
- Year name to century name and decade name in Python
- Extracting product image main colours in Python
- Allow a Django command to use a file or stdin / stdout
- Django model field choices with an inner class enum
- Fixing a Github Action error "botocore.awsrequest.AWSRequest" "exit code 255"
- URL encoding data Etsy-style in Python
- Drawing sequentially represented binary trees in Python
- Early exit boolean expression parser in Python
- Auto-printing shipping labels with Laravel, Raspberry Pi and AWS
- Uploading a listing image to the Etsy API in Python
- Creating & updating inventory product offerings via the Etsy API in Python
- Python unique random function result decorator
- PyCharm Python script run error "ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package"
- Island counting, max island area and max island perimeter in Python
- Minimum required lecture rooms scheduling in Python
- Topological course prerequisites in Python
Hire me as a freelance Python developer.