Tech: Python

Things I've worked on with Python

Posts I've written mentioning Python

  1. Python "raises in exception group" context manager for tests
  2. Reduce pragma no cover comments with exclude_also
  3. Python Coverage boolean compound condition line exit missing branch coverage
  4. Python recursive override path function and mixin class
  5. Github Action job to post pytest coverage as PR comment
  6. Ensure Python async generator and context manager closes with contextlib.aclosing
  7. Python asyncio ensure event loop utility function
  8. Minify JSON clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python
  9. JSON encode clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python
  10. AWS Lambda Python SAM build with container and CodeArtifact poetry auth
  11. Unit testing a Python AWS Lambda handler function that uses asyncio with its own event loop
  12. Python AWS boto moto SNS Invalid Parameter Exception: 'not enough values to unpack (expected 6, got 1)'
  13. Pytest fixture with optional parameter change inside test case
  14. Python assert_dict_matches recursive test helper function
  15. Python iterator chunk generator function
  16. Static site full text search with Hugo, S3, Python and JS
  17. Simple Boto3 mock in Python with Pytest monkeypatch
  18. Productivity with random numbers
  19. Python script to automate static Hugo site post images
  20. Python script to convert an Etsy sales export CSV into a Xero import CSV
  21. Generating perspective-skewed mock-up images for printed products with Python
  22. Pretty print JSON on the command line with Python
  23. Generate a UUID on the command line with Python
  24. Python random string one-liner for CLI
  25. Python National Insurance Number (NINo) one-line generator
  26. Finding the max branch sum of a sequentially represented binary tree in Python
  27. Spoonerism generator Python script
  28. A quick Python script to help me translate classical Chinese poetry
  29. Python asyncio concurrent map pool function
  30. Year name to century name and decade name in Python
  31. Extracting product image main colours in Python
  32. Allow a Django command to use a file or stdin / stdout
  33. Django model field choices with an inner class enum
  34. Fixing a Github Action error "botocore.awsrequest.AWSRequest" "exit code 255"
  35. URL encoding data Etsy-style in Python
  36. Drawing sequentially represented binary trees in Python
  37. Early exit boolean expression parser in Python
  38. Auto-printing shipping labels with Laravel, Raspberry Pi and AWS
  39. Uploading a listing image to the Etsy API in Python
  40. Creating & updating inventory product offerings via the Etsy API in Python
  41. Python unique random function result decorator
  42. PyCharm Python script run error "ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package"
  43. Island counting, max island area and max island perimeter in Python
  44. Minimum required lecture rooms scheduling in Python
  45. Topological course prerequisites in Python

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