Tech: JavaScript
Things I've worked on with JavaScript
Posts I've written mentioning JavaScript
- Github Action for PR comment with command output on exit status
- Github Action to remove previous job PR comments
- Python assert_dict_matches recursive test helper function
- Hugo asset pipeline security.exec.allow error
- Simple example of a floating point precision error for monetary amounts
- My Jest mock cheatsheet for TypeScript
- Udemy Course Progress JS Bookmarklet
- MySQL timestamp columns default to ON UPDATE CURRENT TIMESTAMP
- ESLint custom rules are useful
- Jest mock error "ReferenceError Cannot access before initialization"
- A simple, readable, meaningful test style with Jest
- Easy typed test mocks with Jest and TypeScript
- Flexible test model factories in TypeScript
- Make a deep object delta diff in TypeScript
- Enumerating all object paths in TypeScript
- Be careful with truthy promises in TypeScript
- Extract JSON config variables from the Airflow UI
- (Cross-post) Serverless integration testing at Freetrade
- Duolingo Fandom Japanese vocab CSV extractor in JS
- AlgoDaily 22: Count the Planes
- AlgoDaily 21: Contiguous Subarray Sum
- AlgoDaily 20: Uniqueness of Arrays
- AlgoDaily 19: Fast Minimum In Rotated Array
- AlgoDaily 18: Sum All Primes
- AlgoDaily 17: Find Missing Number in Array
- AlgoDaily 16: Missing Number In Unsorted
- AlgoDaily 15: Max of Min Pairs
- Simple estimated delivery dates in vanilla JS
- AlgoDaily 14: Find First Non-Repeating Character
- AlgoDaily 13: Dollar Sign Deletion
- AlgoDaily 12: Detect Substring in String
- AlgoDaily 11: Sum Digits Until One
- AlgoDaily 10: Binary Tree In-order Traversal
- AlgoDaily 09: Implement a Hash Map
- AlgoDaily 08: Lonely Number
- AlgoDaily 07: Power of Three
- Avoid deriving state from props in React
- AlgoDaily 06: Majority Element
- AlgoDaily 05: Validate Palindrome
- AlgoDaily 04: Is An Anagram
- AlgoDaily 03: Reverse Only Alphabetical
- AlgoDaily 02: Fizz Buzz
- Finding if two rectangles overlap in JavaScript
- Converting Roman numerals into decimal in JavaScript
- Identifying a potential palindrome in JavaScript
- Chinese strftime
- Validating URLs with the DOM
- Improving Unix-fu with Anki
- Using Gulp asset versioning with Hugo data files
- Avoid naive string indexing in PHP
- TypeScript recursive power function
- Straightforward recursive number-to-words algorithm in TypeScript
- TypeScript recursive factorial function
- TypeScript recursive power function
- Longest distinct substring algorithm in JavaScript
- Min subarray length algorithm in JavaScript
- Max sub array sum algorithm in JavaScript
- String is subsequence algorithm in JavaScript
- Check for target average pair in sorted array algorithm in JavaScript
- Duplicate detection algorithm in JavaScript
- Count unique values algorithm in JavaScript
- Valid anagram algorithm in JavaScript
- Number digits same frequency algorithm in JavaScript
Hire me for your JavaScript development project.