Tech: JavaScript

Things I've worked on with JavaScript

Posts I've written mentioning JavaScript

  1. Github Action for PR comment with command output on exit status
  2. Github Action to remove previous job PR comments
  3. Python assert_dict_matches recursive test helper function
  4. Hugo asset pipeline security.exec.allow error
  5. Simple example of a floating point precision error for monetary amounts
  6. My Jest mock cheatsheet for TypeScript
  7. Udemy Course Progress JS Bookmarklet
  8. MySQL timestamp columns default to ON UPDATE CURRENT TIMESTAMP
  9. ESLint custom rules are useful
  10. Jest mock error "ReferenceError Cannot access before initialization"
  11. A simple, readable, meaningful test style with Jest
  12. Easy typed test mocks with Jest and TypeScript
  13. Flexible test model factories in TypeScript
  14. Make a deep object delta diff in TypeScript
  15. Enumerating all object paths in TypeScript
  16. Be careful with truthy promises in TypeScript
  17. Extract JSON config variables from the Airflow UI
  18. (Cross-post) Serverless integration testing at Freetrade
  19. Duolingo Fandom Japanese vocab CSV extractor in JS
  20. AlgoDaily 22: Count the Planes
  21. AlgoDaily 21: Contiguous Subarray Sum
  22. AlgoDaily 20: Uniqueness of Arrays
  23. AlgoDaily 19: Fast Minimum In Rotated Array
  24. AlgoDaily 18: Sum All Primes
  25. AlgoDaily 17: Find Missing Number in Array
  26. AlgoDaily 16: Missing Number In Unsorted
  27. AlgoDaily 15: Max of Min Pairs
  28. Simple estimated delivery dates in vanilla JS
  29. AlgoDaily 14: Find First Non-Repeating Character
  30. AlgoDaily 13: Dollar Sign Deletion
  31. AlgoDaily 12: Detect Substring in String
  32. AlgoDaily 11: Sum Digits Until One
  33. AlgoDaily 10: Binary Tree In-order Traversal
  34. AlgoDaily 09: Implement a Hash Map
  35. AlgoDaily 08: Lonely Number
  36. AlgoDaily 07: Power of Three
  37. Avoid deriving state from props in React
  38. AlgoDaily 06: Majority Element
  39. AlgoDaily 05: Validate Palindrome
  40. AlgoDaily 04: Is An Anagram
  41. AlgoDaily 03: Reverse Only Alphabetical
  42. AlgoDaily 02: Fizz Buzz
  43. Finding if two rectangles overlap in JavaScript
  44. Converting Roman numerals into decimal in JavaScript
  45. Identifying a potential palindrome in JavaScript
  46. Chinese strftime
  47. Validating URLs with the DOM
  48. Improving Unix-fu with Anki
  49. Using Gulp asset versioning with Hugo data files
  50. Avoid naive string indexing in PHP
  51. TypeScript recursive power function
  52. Straightforward recursive number-to-words algorithm in TypeScript
  53. TypeScript recursive factorial function
  54. TypeScript recursive power function
  55. Longest distinct substring algorithm in JavaScript
  56. Min subarray length algorithm in JavaScript
  57. Max sub array sum algorithm in JavaScript
  58. String is subsequence algorithm in JavaScript
  59. Check for target average pair in sorted array algorithm in JavaScript
  60. Duplicate detection algorithm in JavaScript
  61. Count unique values algorithm in JavaScript
  62. Valid anagram algorithm in JavaScript
  63. Number digits same frequency algorithm in JavaScript

Other tech terms

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