Tech: Unix

Posts I've written mentioning Unix

  1. Minify JSON clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python
  2. JSON encode clipboard contents back to clipboard with Bash and Python
  3. Export, clipboard copy and echo a token Bash one-liner
  4. Hugo new post Bash function
  5. Pivot joining 19 million lines of CSV with unix tools
  6. Fan-in from multiple routes to a single VM with iptables, for FIX on Quickfix
  7. Pretty print JSON on the command line with Python
  8. A bad mix of bash and sh with [[
  9. Generate a UUID on the command line with Python
  10. Python random string one-liner for CLI
  11. Python National Insurance Number (NINo) one-line generator
  12. Unix Fizz-Buzz one-liner
  13. "Permission denied (public key)" error from Laravel Forge after copying ssh key using xclip or pbcopy
  14. Simple pipes with PHP generators
  15. Improving Unix-fu with Anki

Other tech terms

Hire me as a freelance Unix developer.