Tech: AWS

Things I've worked on with AWS

Posts I've written mentioning AWS

  1. Creating AWS Organizational Units and Accounts for Prod and Dev in CloudFormation
  2. AWS SAM CloudFormation SSM Parameter secure string not supported workaround
  3. AWS Lambda Python SAM build with container and CodeArtifact poetry auth
  4. Unit testing a Python AWS Lambda handler function that uses asyncio with its own event loop
  5. Python AWS boto moto SNS Invalid Parameter Exception: 'not enough values to unpack (expected 6, got 1)'
  6. AWS DocumentDB data source in JetBrains DataGrip
  7. Static site full text search with Hugo, S3, Python and JS
  8. Simple Boto3 mock in Python with Pytest monkeypatch
  9. Deploying a Hugo site with Github Actions, S3, Cloudfront and AWS IAM
  10. Fastmail is a nice multi-domain custom email service
  11. Random element choice in a Hugo HTML template
  12. Setting up a Mailcoach app on AWS with Laravel Forge
  13. Keeping the ElasticSearch service running on an Ubuntu server
  14. Be careful with the S3 origin URL for a Cloudfront distribution
  15. Fixing a Github Action error "botocore.awsrequest.AWSRequest" "exit code 255"
  16. Auto-printing shipping labels with Laravel, Raspberry Pi and AWS
  17. Optimised image handling with AWS and Laravel
  18. Using Gulp asset versioning with Hugo data files
  19. Initial commit

Other tech terms

Hire me as a freelance AWS developer.