Nodejs has a handy Promise.all function that awaits an entire batch of promises.
However, sometimes you want to see how that batch of promises is progressing
before the whole thing has finished.
Here’s a rough-and-ready way to print a progress meter to stdout as a batch of
promises completes in TypeScript:
const promises = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(async (i: number): Promise<string> => {
return 'finished some work'
let finishedCount = 0
promises.forEach((promise: Promise<string>): void => {
promise.then((): void => {
process.stdout.write(`${finishedCount} / ${promises.length}`)
}).catch(() => {
// Handle errors.
await Promise.all(promises)
That just prints and updates a line like 3 / 5 to stdout. You could make it
fancier with a percentage or a visual progress meter.
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Promise batch progress meter in TypeScript