Showing other pages with the same taxonomy term in Hugo

Here’s a quick HTML template snippet to do something I find is quite a common task in a Hugo site: show a list of other pages that share a taxonomy term with the current page.

It’s probably a good idea to refresh your memory of how taxonomies work in Hugo if you’re feeling rusty.

The snippet is just:

{{ if isset .Params "tags" }}
  {{ $tagTitle := index .Params.tags 0 }}
  {{ $currentLink := .Permalink }}
  <h2><small>Tag:</small>&nbsp;{{ $tagTitle | title }}</h2>
      {{ range (index .Site.Taxonomies.tags ($tagTitle | urlize)).Pages.ByTitle }}
        {{ if eq $currentLink .Permalink }}
          {{ .Title }} <small>(this page)</small>
        {{ else }}
          <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
            {{ .Title }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
{{ end }}

The example taxonomy here is “tags”, but it could be any taxonomy. We check if tags are set on this page, and then go ahead with showing other pages that share a tag term with the current one if so.

The $currentLink := .Permalink part is to allow determining which page in the list is the current page with if eq $currentLink .Permalink in the range loop, so that we can render it as plain text and not a link, and add the “(this page)” hint after it.

Note that this example only takes the first tag term and shows the list of pages for that. If we want to show a list of pages for each tag on the post, we could wrap this in one outer loop along the lines of this:

{{ $currentLink := .Permalink }}
{{ range .Params.tags }}
  {{ $tagTitle := . }}
  <h2><small>Tag:</small>&nbsp;{{ $tagTitle | title }}</h2>
      {{ range (index .Site.Taxonomies.tags ($tagTitle | urlize)).Pages.ByWeight.Reverse }}
          {{ if eq $currentLink .Permalink }}
          {{ .Title }} <small>(this page)</small>
          {{ else }}
          <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
              {{ .Title }}
          {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
{{ end }}

That would duplicate pages that share more than one tag term with the current page, though, so you might want to do something smarter with getting a unique set of shared tasks if that would be more effective for your use case.

Hugo has a handy taxonomy weight feature that lets you apply an ordering to pages within a taxonomy term like this. You just add a key like {plural taxonomy name}_weight in the page’s front-matter:

tags_weight: 1

The pages in that taxonomy term will then be naturally ordered in ascending weight.

This approach can be used to build a Series taxonomy in a Hugo site.

I use this approach on a few static sites, including Chinese Boost Grammar, East Asia Student, Moment Wall Art and this site.

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