Here’s a quick and simple way to create type-safe test mocks with Jest in
const fooMock: jest.Mocked<IFoo> = {
fooMethod: jest.fn()
const testSubject = new ClientClass(fooMock);
This has a few useful properties:
- The type system will enforce that the dependency is the correct type, i.e.
ClientClass is being passed the instance of IFoo that it requires.
- The type system will enforce that the mock implements the required interface,
i.e. that it has stubs for all the required methods.
- The type system can still see that the methods on the mock are
jest.fn ,
allowing things like fooMock.fooMethod.mockReturnValue({}) without
- The IntelliJ IDE (e.g. WebStorm or IDEA) can automatically fill in the method
stubs for you once it sees the
jest.Mocked<IFoo> type annotation.
You can also use TypeScript’s handy Pick utility type to get more specific
type-safe mocks:
const fooMock: Pick<jest.Mocked<IFoo>, "fooMethod"> = {
fooMethod: jest.fn()
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Easy typed test mocks with Jest and TypeScript